Hello, another bent pushrod/stuck lifter customer here. Ordered your release tool and when I got the covers off, I found a bent pushrod on #7 intake as well as #4 intake valves. #7 was making the racket and the rocker was loose. I checked the lift with a dial indicator and observed no damage and same lift as #1. At that point, the lifter wasn't stuck so I was able to replace the pushrods. NOTE: I couldn't push #7 pushrod down at the pushrod so I assumed all was good. Started it back up and it's tapping away.....Tore it back down and #7 rocker is sloppy loose (#4 is not). I pulled the intake off to try the release procedure and had to stop due to the rain. Am I on the right track here? Is maybe the lifter damaged and not going to stay locked once I release it? NOTE: owned and maintained the truck since new. Now has 170,000 miles on it and has been problem free til now. Was on a trip and started hearing it tapping whenever it would go into 4 cylinder mode. I did my best to either give it a little more gas or let off so it would kick out of 4 cylinder mode to minimize any damage. I got about 200 miles and was driving along and it started missing, dash lights went off, mil light starting flashing (has P0300 in memory), etc. Towed it home and here I am. Appreciate your site and help---thank you.
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When it started, you heard a clunk and it started tapping right away. Rocker was sloppy loose when I got the cover off.