What are your thoughts on running the truck in M5 gear as a way to prevent the AFM system from engaging? I currently have a collapsed lifter on #1. Not sure if it's the intake or exhaust as I have not yet pulled the valve cover. Dealership and other mechanics are recommending a complete valve replacement ($3000) or motor replacement ($6000). I feel that if I can get the lifter freed, I can run the truck in M5 gear since I do 99% of my driving locally. If I do the VLOM mod and sleeve the oil pressure tube, would that allow me to drive normally ( in D ) without additional modifications? Thanks!
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Thanks for sharing, and go figure it did that lol. I'm confident this post will help someone else in the future.
I did not have an air hammer to try, but I think that would have done the trick. Funny enough, after pulling the head and removing the collapsed lifter, I accidentally dropped it on the driveway. Sure enough, the damn thing released. That leads me to believe I was simply not hitting it hard enough. I also didn't try repositioning the cam. Impacting a different area on the lifter might have gotten it to go as well. Still, it was definitely worth a shot since pulling the head with the engine in the truck was no small feat.
For the sake of future readers. Did you use a small air hammer like a needle scaler at all in you attempt to release the lifter? I have found that some lifters release easy with a couple smacks of the hammer and others absolutely require the small air hammer's light fast blows. Some will even require changing camshaft lobe positions. Some are so stubborn they actually like to be at the top of the cam lobe and others like the bottom of the cam lobe. It's strange, but at this point I have kind of developed an art for it.
Unfortunately, I could not get the lifter to release with the tool, although perhaps I was afraid to hit it too hard. So, I pulled the head off, replaced the AFM lifters and did the VLOM mod. Everything is back together and the truck runs like a champ now. I greatly appreciate the wealth of knowledge and information you share. I'm not a mechanic but I precisely followed your instructions. I could not have done it without the help of your videos and honestly, I would not have had the confidence to even attempt it. You saved my family thousands of dollars. Thank you for all you do!
Sounds like a great plan. I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks for all the info!
Not worth the worry and hassle. Just send your ECM to Lt1swap.com for $50 and a little shipping. It will be turned off. Then while computer is in shipping take your truck apart release the lifter and do the VLOM mod.